
Health & Safety Policy Statement

Issue No.
Issue Date

Dakota Integrated Solutions regards the promotion of Health and Safety measures as a mutual objective for management and employees at all levels. It is therefore Dakota Integrated Solutions’ policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury, ill health, damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards, in so far as they come into contact with the Company, its operations, vehicles and buildings.

Dakota Integrated Solutions has responsibilities to:

  • Provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment, considering all risks and all relevant statutory requirements.
  • Eliminate hazards and reduce risks.
  • Provide information, instruction and training, as required, to all company employees to enable them to perform their work safely and efficiently.
  • Define Health & Safety objectives, targets and improvement actions that are related to this policy and identified hazards. We will regularly evaluate progress against these through our Management Review Meeting.
  • Make available all necessary safety devices and personal protective equipment, and to supervise their proper use.
  • Maintain continual improvement in health and safety matters applicable to Dakota Integrated Solutions’ activities, in particular, by consulting and involving employees or their representatives wherever possible.

All employees have a duty to co-operate in the operation of the policy:

  • By meeting all relevant statutory obligations.
  • By adhering to all Dakota Integrated Solutions procedures, for the purpose of maintaining a safe and healthy working environment.
  • By working safely and efficiently.
  • By using all items, provided in the interest of health and safety, at all times as required.
  • By using the personal protective equipment provided, at all times as required.
  • By reporting anything that they consider to be hazardous to health.
  • By reporting all accidents and near misses that have led, or may lead to, injury to people or damage to property, plant or equipment.
  • By assisting in the investigation of accidents, with the objective of preventing a recurrence of the accident.

A copy of this statement, together with procedures will be displayed in suitable areas. The policy will be regularly reviewed by Management and amended or added to as appropriate. This Policy will be communicated to all employees and made available to the public on request.

The Health, Safety & Welfare of all persons affected by activities is the responsibility of all employees of the company.


Keith Hardy
Managing Director
Dakota Integrated Solutions

Download our Health & Safety Policy Statement