
2022 Proves To Be ‘Best Year Yet’ For Dakota

11th January 2023

2022 has proven to be the ‘Best Year Yet’ for real-time data capture, printing, mobility, support and voice-directed solution specialist Dakota Integrated Solutions. 

Recording significant business growth during the year and with Voice-enabled projects continuing to fall within a variety of established and green-field industry sectors following the company’s 2021 appointment as a Honeywell Platinum Voice Partner, the depth of knowledge shared amongst its commercial and technical specialists around the functionality and usability of voice-directed technology is proving to be invaluable.  

So much so, that the company has recently embarked on a first-of-its-kind and pioneering voice-directed Maintenance & Inspection project within a multi-billion-dollar global corporation, assisting them to halve inspection times whilst greatly increasing industry compliance adherences and operational efficiencies.

Philip Jarrett, Commercial Director at Dakota comments, “We are delighted with the growth that we have experienced within the business particularly during the past couple of years. Our continued expansion and exploration into new technologies has proved fruitful, whilst still maintaining and growing our long-term relationships with existing vendors such as Zebra, which has helped us to maintain an extremely strong hold within our traditional supply chain and healthcare market sectors. Not only that; we have also established new strategic partnerships with like-minded companies who hold the same dynamic cultural ethos and growth aspirations as Dakota. All of these factors have been very significant in growing the business whilst still maintaining our focus on the provision of high-quality, first-class customer service.”

New additions to the company’s strong and ever-growing professional Sales Team have also had a positive impact; a growth which is underpinned by well-organised and capable internal support, technical and in-house marketing teams. Dakota is continuing its recruitment drive within all aspects of the business - a move which has prompted relocation to new, larger purpose-built combined office and warehouse facilities in Manchester this Spring.

Keith Hardy, Managing Director at Dakota concludes, "In various social media posts we often refer to the ‘Dakota Family.’ For us as a business this is key. Put simply, we all get on, we all want to help each other, and we all want to strive to succeed. Combine this ‘family rhetoric’ with our desire to embrace new and emerging technologies into our traditional and previously untapped market sectors with the help of our valued vendor, supplier and partnership base makes for a fantastic and successful combination. We are looking forward and are very excited to continue our growth during 2023 - we are raring to go.”