
'Partner Spotlight Of The Month' - An Interview With Loftware

14th February 2023

Welcome to the fourth of our ‘Partner Spotlight of the Month’ interviews.

In the past, we have brought you customer, vendor and staff interviews, so now we thought it would be interesting to see what our partners have to say about us!

This month we spoke with Bernard Williams, Regional Sales Manager at Loftware, to find out his thoughts on all things Dakota.

1. How long have you been in your current role at Loftware?  

I have been in my current role at Loftware for almost four years now, however I have known the team at Dakota for over two decades!

2. Can you tell us more about Loftware?

Loftware helps businesses of all sizes manage labelling across their entire supply chain operation. Whether you have five printers or thousands and are looking for a cloud or on-premise solution, Loftware has got a labelling solution that fits your business requirements. Our NiceLabel Cloud and On-Premise Software allows companies to harmonise their labelling platform no matter what printer device they are using.

3. What does your role within Loftware involve?

My role within Loftware is to develop profitable revenue growth combined with close working relationships with all of our partners through focused end user engagements.

4. How long have you known the team at Dakota?

I have been associated with the Dakota team for over twenty-five years, four of which have been dedicated to our NiceLabel-branded Label Management Software, both in healthcare and the manufacturing supply chain. As with all technology companies, the business needs to develop and expand with new people and skills to match, so it has been an exciting time over the past twenty-five years working with Dakota; and with the development of cloud-enabled labelling, Dakota are very much at the cutting edge of this technology.

5. What is Dakota like to interact with on a business basis?

The team at Dakota is always busy and this brings a strong dynamic to the business; taking time to plan and execute on all objectives are crucial.  You see this approach throughout the team, from Ellie driving the marketing execution as well as Phil on the commercial drive.  

Keith Hardy has years of experience in building teams which deliver growth and was one of the early adopters of both Loftware and NiceLabel Management Software.

6. What attributes does Loftware require when seeking strategic partnerships with businesses such as Dakota?

We look for technology capability and market development in our partners’ core strengths particularly within the manufacturing supply chain and healthcare sectors.  Some of the first-to-market case studies for cloud and supply chain labelling are significant growth examples.

7. What are Dakota’s specific USPs?

The unique selling points for Dakota are their core strength of understanding their customers’ needs and developing working deliverable solutions, as well as harnessing a deep understanding of the healthcare sector or the challenges of the supply chain in terms of vendor supply labelling, inbound put away, primary production and tertiary packaging through to warehouse management, pallet labelling, voice picking and retail labelling standards.

8. And finally, what do you hope the future holds for Loftware’s relationship with Dakota?

With long term partnerships you develop a strong commercial basis for daily business interaction, and with the continued growth at Dakota in terms of business and its people, as well as the recent investment in their office expansion, Dakota is extremely well-placed to take advantage of the technology opportunities which will develop over the coming years.

For more information about Loftware visit: loftware.com