
'Partner Spotlight Of The Month' - An Interview With Ingram Micro

27th January 2023

Welcome to the third of our ‘Partner Spotlight of the Month’ interviews!

In the past, we have brought you customer, vendor and staff interviews, so now we thought it would be interesting to see what our partners have to say about us!

This month we spoke with Rhys McIntosh, Strategic Account Manager at Ingram Micro, to find out his thoughts on all things Dakota!

1. How long have you been in your current role at Ingram Micro?

I started my current role at Ingram Micro in February 2022, after re-joining the company following 18 months away from the business.

2. Can you tell us more about Ingram Micro?

Ingram is one of largest global IT distributors, suppling a vast amount of IT products; a portfolio which is continually expanding in order to provide a comprehensive and wide range of products and services to better serve our vast customer base.

3. What does your role within Ingram Micro involve?

As one of the Strategic Account Managers within the DC/POS team, I am responsible for managing all aspects of the relationships with a number of partners in order to grow the sales of Auto-ID and Point of Sale products within these accounts.

4. How long have you known the team at Dakota?

I first started working with Dakota in 2017, however the relationship between Ingram and Dakota stretches back long before then.

5. What is Dakota like to interact with on a business basis?

I really enjoy working with Dakota as the whole team are passionate about what they do. I’ve found that they go above and beyond for their customers and are extremely committed to providing nothing but the best. They are also friendly, welcoming and generally just a fun team to work with!

6. What attributes does Ingram Micro require when seeking strategic partnerships with businesses such as Dakota?

Ingram prefers to partner with resellers and vendors that share the same values and those which are at the forefront of new and emerging technologies. Dakota certainly falls into this category and working alongside them has allowed both our businesses to uncover new opportunities for growth and development.

7. What are Dakota’s specific USPs?

Dakota is a highly skilled and experienced organisation within all the market sectors in which they operate, allowing them to act as a trusted advisor to their customers and position the most appropriate solution to fit specific end user requirements. This, along with their innovative voice solutions and creative ways of overcoming challenges, are just a few of the numerous USPs which their customers and partners benefit from.

8. And finally, what do you hope the future holds for Ingram Micro’s relationship with Dakota?

After years of sustained growth, I hope that we can further strengthen the relationship between Ingram Micro and Dakota and continue to work together in partnership as we always have done. I’m looking forward to building upon our previous successes throughout 2023 and beyond.

For more information about Ingram Micro visit: ingrammicro.com